Use Your Mastitis Records to Make More Money

What is Happening...
Workshop Series:
"Mastitis Records: Evaluating What Works and What Doesn't"
Offered By:
Penn State Cooperative Extension
Time: 9:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. (note: program will start at 9:30 a.m. sharp - if late milking still join us)
Registration By: 1-week before workshop date
Mastitis is the costliest disease on most dairies. Costs vary a lot from herd to herd. A recent Penn State study funded by the Northeast Center for Risk Management Education on 30 dairies found that milk plant incentives varied from a cost of $45 per cow per year to a supplement of more than $140 per cow per year. In addition to milk quality dollars, cost of mastitis in the average herd is estimated to be another $200 per cow per year while the average clinical case of mastitis may cost another $108.
The only way to determine costs of mastitis and impact of quality milk practices is to start with a great understanding of available records and ways to keep and use them more effectively. Milk plant records, DHI records, and clinical mastitis records should be used together to set goals and track progress toward reducing mastitis and receiving higher milk quality dollars.
Thus workshop will help you to better use your DHI mastitis records, and culture results, keep track of clinical mastitis, better monitor your progress toward higher quality milk dollars, and to communicate more easily and more often with your milk quality advisors.
9:00 to 9:30: Registration
9:30 to 10:00: Milk Quality Records
10:00 to 11:30: DHI Records
11:30 to 12:30: Clinical Mastitis Records
12:30 to 1:00: Lunch
1:00 to 2:15: Case Studies and Records Work
2:15 to 2:30: Evaluation
This Workshop Will Suit You Best If:
- You are a Pennsylvania Dairy Producer and Have DHI Records Processed through Lancaster DHIA or Dairy One
- You mainly use DHI Records in paper form (mailed to you each month) with limited on-farm computer software to evaluate mastitis
We are trying something different for these workshops and will see how well it works for future planning.
Producer Fee: $10/person
Producer participant is responsible for this cost to attend
Producer Sponsor Fee: $20/person
We are requesting that each producer be 'sponsored' by one of their milk quality advisors. This might be your veterinarian, nutritionist, lender, dairy supply company, milk plant inspector, milking equipment dealership, or DHI technician
Note: The Producer Sponsor Fee is an additional fee that is part of the cost for a producer to attend. It is not intended to replace the producer fee. Please ask if you have questions.
As an advisor, if you want more details about sponsoring a client or clients who you feel will benefit and use workshop information, please contact an educator listed below.
Workshop Dates, Site Educator In Charge, and Locations:
Wednesday Feb 10, 2010: Central Pennsylvania - Clinton County
Educator Contact: Amber Yutzy - Dairy Herd Health Educator - Central Region
Phone: 814-643-1660
Fax: 814-643-1669
Workshop Location: Mill Hall, PA
Friday, Feb 12, 2010: Central Pennsylvania - Fulton County
Educator Contact: Amber Yutzy - Dairy Herd Health Educator - Central Region
Workshop Location: McConnellsburg, PA
Wednesday, Feb 24, 2010: Southeastern Pennsylvania - Lancaster County
Educator Contact: Sandy Costello, Ph.D. - Dairy Herd Health Educator - Southeast Region
Phone: 717-240-6500
Fax: 717-240-6548
Workshop Location: Paradise, PA
Thursday, Feb 25, 2010: Southeastern Pennsylvania - Cumberland County
Educator Contact: Sandy Costello, Ph.D. - Dairy Herd Health Educator - Southeast Region
Workshop Location: Newburg, PA
Wednesday, Mar 3, 2010: Northeastern Pennsylvania - Tioga County
Educator Contact: Craig Williams - Dairy Extension Educator - Northeastern Region
Phone: 570-724-9120
Fax: 570-724-8137
Workshop Location: Middlebury Center, PA
For brochures or more information, please contact us!
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